We’ve worked on a vast array of research projects with a wide range of clients. Take a look at the clients we’ve had the privilege of collaborating with. At PRG, our goal is to deliver measurable, comprehensive results to our clients — from ideation to execution.
Our comprehensive list of clients include the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), National Institute for Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, National Safety Council (NSC), and the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT).

AAA Georgia
AAA Mid-Atlantic
Allstate Foundation for Traffic Safety
Arizona Governor’s Office of Highway Safety (AZDOT)
Bureau of Indian Affairs (US Department of the Interior)
Cambridge Systematics
Cashman & Katz
City of Milwaukee
Connecticut Highway Safety Office (CTDOT)
Connecticut State Police
Governor’s Highway Safety Association
Highway Safety Network
Institute of Police Technology and Management (UNF)
Louisiana Highway Safety Commission (LADPS)
Mississippi Department of Public Safety
Mississippi State University
National Academy of Sciences
National Institutes of Health
National Safety Council
New Mexico DOT
NHTSA (National Highway Safety Administration)-USDOT
Pennsylvania DOT
Police Executive Research Forum (PERF)
Research Triangle International (RTI)
Rhode Island DOT
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration
Tallahassee Community College
The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety
University of Connecticut
University of Southern Maine
University of Tennessee
University of Virginia
Virgins Island Police Department (USVI)
Vermont Governor’s Highway Safety Program (VTRANS)
Yale New Haven Hospital Medical School